
Showing posts from October, 2022

Relation Between IPR and Fintech Laws in India

  Introduction: FinTech is the combination of the two words Financial and Technology is a rapidly growing sector that uses technology to enhance financial services. The term “FinTech” was first coined in 1972 by a New York banker but there is no generally accepted definition of the term Fintech. Fintech offers the evolution of technology, particularly in big data and quantum computing, artificial intelligence, blockchain and network/mobile connectivity revealing a new stream of innovations in this sector. Fintech is regarded as one of the most provoking trends of recent past years. Growing customer expectations of financial service providers, expanding risk capital, removing entry barriers, and technological innovations have made Fintech one of the most sought-after in all industries. It has become an emphasis in recent years, and everyone wants to be part of it.  In today’s fast-paced and evolving connected world fintech are part of our daily money transfer, currency exchange, fun